EDITOR'S NOTE: You are free to take this rip and apply it to your own server or any server, just please ask permission from me by sending me a message to my contact details below. PLEASE: Please keep this credit file as this represents the work I've, and a couple of people involved, put in to make this character available for all. There were some servers who haven't included this credit text file in the rip upon copying, so I REALLY REALLY want to have this text file included in the rip. This is much appreciated for me including those who helped made this rip. CREDITS: Rips, textures, sound effects, and buttons by me. Tested by kayfaraday and me Unfinished model provided by Axiz Quality Assurance by Axiz CONTACT ME FOR QUESTIONS: Discord: ellie.chan Reddit: u/Lyraotic CHANGELOG: v1.0 (October 06, 2023) - ShivHD rip created