; Version of the configuration file [version] major = 2 ; index of the effect for sorting [0] ; The name of the effect name = realization ; Sound to play for this effect sound = sfx-realization ; Whether or not to delete the image once it's done playing. Ignored if loop=true cull = true ; Which layer it's going to be on. Possible options: ; under - under the character ; character - over the character ; over - over everything in IC ; chat - over the chat box and other UI. layer = chat ; Should we loop this effect? loop = false ; Maximum duration for this effect in miliseconds. Put at 0 for no max letting the full animation to play out. ; Useful for single-image effects, such as realization flash. max_duration = 60 ; Should we respect the character's flip tick box and flip with them? respect_flip = false ; Should we respect the character's offset and offset with them? respect_offset = false ; Should we use smooth (bilinear) or pixel (nearest neighbor) scaling algorithm? scaling = smooth ; Once we play the effect, should it remain in the effect dropdown still? sticky = false ; Should we stretch the effect across the viewport? stretch = true [1] name = hearts sound = sfx-squee cull = true layer = character loop = false max_duration = 0 respect_flip = true respect_offset = true scaling = smooth sticky = false stretch = false [2] name = reaction sound = sfx-reactionding cull = false layer = character loop = true max_duration = 0 respect_flip = true respect_offset = true scaling = smooth sticky = true stretch = false [3] name = impact sound = sfx-fan cull = true layer = over loop = false max_duration = 0 respect_flip = true respect_offset = true scaling = smooth sticky = false stretch = false